Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 75 minQuestions
What resources are available to me as a researcher?
How would I do __?
Where do I start?
Allow researchers to ask questions regarding how digital preservation affects their specific work.
Provide relevant resources to serve as a starting point for researchers to undertake their own digital preservation.
Additional Resources
Relevant Standards/Resources for Digital Preservation
- POWRR Preserving (Digital) Objects With Restricted Resources
- Digital Preservation in a Box Digital Preservation in a Box is a product of the National Digital Stewardship Alliance’s Outreach Working Group and is designed as a toolkit to support outreach activities that introduce the basic concepts of preserving digital information. The DPB provides the best available resources and tools to help you communicate digital preservation and stewardship concepts and issues.
- Digital Preservation Coalition’s Digital Preservation Handbook 2nd Edition. The Digital Preservation Coalition is a non-profit based in the UK and Ireland made up of member organizations who promote long-term accessibility of digital assets.
- Internet Archive Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more. Archive-It enables you to capture, manage and search collections of digital content without any technical expertise or hosting facilities.
- Digital Preservation Management Tutorial: Implementing Short Term Strategies for Long Term Problems Support for this tutorial comes from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The tutorial was developed by Cornell University Library and is now hosted and maintained by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). Tutorials available in English, French, and Italian.
- Digital Data Management for a New Generation These materials are geared toward early training in best practices. Such practices ultimately support long-term management—including upload into digital data archives and institutional repositories—and facilitate data sharing where appropriate. Hosted by the American Anthropological Association.
- Facing Off with Digital Preservation Policy A crosswalk between digital preservation policies of thirteen diverse institutions, developed by Kristin Snawder, a 2011 Junior Fellow working with NDIIPP
- Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity Guide to Good Practice A guide providing the basis for archaeological project workflows that will create digital datasets that can be archived and shared effectively by Digital Antiquity’s tDAR archive and repository in the US and by the Archaeology Data Service in the UK
- MetaArchive The mission of the MetaArchive Cooperative is to foster better understanding of distributed digital preservation methods and to create enduring and stable, geographically dispersed “dark archives” of digital materials that can, if necessary, be drawn upon to restore collections at Member organizations.
- Beyond the Repository: Integrating Local Preservation Systems with National Distribution Services The “Beyond the Repository” planning grant investigated how local digital preservation practices and repository systems interoperate with distributed digital preservation (DDP) services. The grant team conducted a survey followed by in-depth interviews with selected survey respondents. The survey and interviews revealed both great diversity in how digital preservation is practiced and common challenges in the intersection of local repositories and DDP services.
Version Control
- Git Git is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people. Can be used in Command Line or a GUI
- Github Desktop Git Graphical User Interface specifically designed for interconnectivity with Github, for Windows and Mac
- Git Kraken Git Graphical User Interface for Windows, Mac and Linux
- Fork Git Graphical User Interface for Mac
Data Cleanup
- OpenRefine OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) is a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data.
- MarcEdit Open-source software that allows users to batch download, manipulate, transform, and/or upload MARC21, EAD, MARC21XML, JSON, FGDC, Dublin Core, MODS, OAIDC, and OAIMARC21 records. ‘Tis a thing of simple beauty.
- pymarc Python package that allows you to manipulate MARC records from the command line.
Software Training
- Software Carpentry Workshops and lesson plans geared towards teaching basic lab skills for research computing.
- Data Carpentry Data Carpentry workshops are domain-specific,focused on teaching researchers the skills most relevant to their domain and using examples from their type of work.
- UCSD’s Git Novice Training Developed specifically for metadata use cases off of the Software Carpentry’s Git Training.
Discussion Points From Workshop
Key Points
To be updated with relevant discussion as the workshop unfolds.